I'm having a lot of pain in my left arm, mainly my wrist, elbow, and shoulder. It seems like a repetitive type of injury but it is strange because it is my non-dominate side. I've been cross stitching a lot every day for several weeks. I work with just my right hand but my left hand holds my hoop. I am not sure what caused this pain but it started when I was cross stitching and it has steadily gotten worse. Now I can hardly stand to move my arm and it is nearly impossible to sleep. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor but for now I'm trying to keep it straight. That makes it impossible to stitch since I don't have a lap stand. I'll have to order one because I'm already going crazy not being able to stitch.
I guess I'll just watch a ton of Flosstube for now..... and buy patterns and stuff.
Sorry about the pain. Please see a doctor.