
Monday, August 6, 2018

I have a finish!

I finished the Vintage Octopus from Luna River Crafts (lunarivercrafts) on Etsy on Friday Aug 3, 2018.  I tried to find another color for the super pale shading area but nothing I tried looked right so I stuck with what the pattern called for.  My oldest son didn't like that I added the text.  He said if I was going to add text I should have made it his name, "Like Larry," he said.  I wanted to add it because I'm going to do the two others in the series.  These are going to go in my stormy/ship themed bathroom.

9th Finish


  1. Congrats on the finish. What does the text signify?

  2. It is like an illustration in an encyclopedia or text book where it will say see Figure 1 or whatever.... like an example of a specimen in a scientific book etc. I hope that makes sense.


Please leave me a comment so I know I'm not all alone in the world.